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Tag Archives: GWOT

6 Days left and $1500 short on the 60th Anniversary of the Korean War graphic novel.  I’m asking my readers and followers to consider giving what you feel you can, even if its just SHARING THE LINK on your social media, blogs, and other pages!  Please help Clayton out with this project!

Clayton worked hard with a number of great creators to publish this to commemorate the sacrifices of a “forgotten” generation of America’s Veterans who served from 1950 to 1953 in the killing fields of Korea securing Liberty south of the 38th Parallel.    Lets NOT forget the Korean War, as its still going on to this day ion one of the longest ceasefires in history!

So, check it out folks!  Clayton has been a big help and mentor for me just being himself, doing his jobs, and juggling with a few graphic novel/fundraising projects as well!  This man’s work deserves our attention!  I also know Clayton is driven by the same passion for this project (more so than myself actually), and that is the impact Korean War Veterans have had on our lives.  They are a quieter and smaller group of Veterans, but in no way any less influential than all the Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and Iraq Veterans.  Lets honor these men and women before their generation is gone forever from the living.

SA 01FEB13 McCarthy Women AR

Its a smidgen late folks, but it’ll never get old!  Typical Liberal Democrat lunacy.  First the Administration and Congress removes most of the blocks, if not all, of women serving in front line combat; then Representative McCarthy from New York in her infinite wisdom and superior intellect with regard to all things firearms declares that women shouldn’t use AR-15s for self defense as they are not accurate enough for such a role.

Needless to say, I’m sure the women I served with in Iraq share the sentiments as this young Airman (reference photo was from an Airman guarding Sather AB Iraq circa 2006 or so).  I’m sure most of the women I know will agree with it, even if its a bit more harsh than their own.

Anonymous is an interesting group of people to say the least.  Taking on Internet censorship (something I get a chuckle out of and kinda enjoy seeing), and trying to keep the flow information going.  Sadly though, this leaderless collective sometimes shows just how schizophrenic such organizations can be with regard to core values.  Most especially in the Middle East.

Anonymous is a champion of GLBT issues, yet they support an Arab Spring in which the Muslim Brotherhood is now able act with impunity to execute  homosexuals in Egypt as well as forcing women to wear veils and cease education.  Women’s rights is another thing I suspect this group supports here in the comfort of the free world, while supporting despotic Islamo-Fascists who crush women in the Middle East.  Clearly, they are just support the Islamo-Fascist terrorists as a counter cultural ‘in thing to do’ against the United States.  You don’t get this kind of schizophrenic behavior for nothing; its clearly Unity of Effort with the enemies of the US, pure and simple.

I recall another big deal with Anonymous hating the US GITMO facility due to alleged torture.  They leaked (or supported the WikiLeaks) a lot of classified documents trying to expose ‘systemic torture’ in US military facilities across the Middle East.  Ironically, those documents ended up vindicating and proving that such claims are grossly exaggerated…  But I digress.  They wanted to expose atrocities, war crimes, and the like.  Yes, those things happened (and will happen).  However, here they are taking sides with Hamas in this latest flare up of violence between Israel and Gaza, over ‘brutal treatment’ of the Palestinian people.  Really guys, for all your exposing US atrocities, you refuse to acknowledge Hamas atrocities such as this motorcycle gang dragging an alleged spy down the road?

If you are going to tout some core values against torture and atrocities, you need to expose both sides and call out even your own side.  This is why I support the Court Martial and capital punishment of those responsible for war crimes in the US (or any) military.  How about you go forth and help humanity by exposing all war criminals, including the Palestinians as well as Israelis.  Sadly enough, I have yet to see the amount of real atrocities supposedly committed by the IDF.  Why?  Because there is so much propaganda out there, especially coming from the Palestinian side of the conflict in which actors are used.  Its truly sad to see CNN lose credibility for playing such propaganda videos…  Really, Conservative bloggers shouldn’t be the only ones calling them out, Anonymous should be as well.  If the IDF is committing atrocities, find the real stuff and put it out there.  Stop feeding the world Hamas propaganda feeds like the big name news agencies keep doing.  That, and call YOUR OWN PEOPLE OUT WHEN THEY SCREW UP.  That, or drop the “we don’t forget” from your motto, because obviously your organization does indeed have a selective memory with a bias toward Left wing politics (ironically which are trying just as hard to censor the web as any Right wing side is…).

Rumor mill or otherwise…  I had to comment on the possibility of the current Administration releasing the “Blind Sheik” (mastermind of the 1994 WTC bombing that should have woken folks up to the FACT that Islamo-Fascists were at war with the United States…).

Honestly, it all depends on how he’s delivered…  I kinda like the idea myself…

….Maybe with an airburst fuse?

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Recently YouServed at started running a few of my Simple Analysis cartoons (don’t worry, I’ll like them to here shortly…). One day, while I was visiting Doug TenNapel’s blog and forum (of which I’ve been a member for some time now) I saw his pin-up of Earthworm Jim that he is getting ready to auction off at the Dallas Comic-Con in May. Not only is this piece of art awesome because EJ is dressed to kill as a soldier (, but Doug is donating the proceeds to the Wounded Warrior Project! So, with YouServed running some of my cartoons on the blog, I figured I’d use my new-found influence with the Redshirt and Producer Marcus, and mentioned the awesome artwork to him to see if he wanted to set up an interview with Doug. Marcus then turned around and said, ‘that’s a great idea, how about you arrange the interview’.

So here I am, I got on Facebook (since I’m following Doug there as well), and I just sent the message with my fingers crossed… Within minutes I got a chat right back from Doug, and worked out a good date and time for the interview. Well folks, its time!

On the YouServed Blogtalk Radio page, at 9PM EST (6PM PST, and 4PM AK) Doug will be interviewed!

Be sure to listen in!

I couldn’t finish it.  I’ve been working a couple weeks on the concept, and only came up with the cliche scissors and Bill of Rights.  That, and the background is bare and I’m really running out of time to finish this cartoon…  Along with being rather angry at the whole affair.  Most recently the compromise that was not compromise…

Don’t be distracted by the contraception/abortion issue folks.  This is indeed government interference in religion, along with other past events its just a piece of whats been going on at an incredible rate the last four years.  NDAA before Christmas, SOPA/PIPA to distract us with something that had no hope of passage (tossing us a bone essentially), and now the DHHS mandating that religious organizations pay for services they have a strong moral conviction against.  Just one more nail in the coffin of Liberty that Obamacare has brought about by MANDATING how we pay for our healthcare, and what gets covered regardless of what we believe.

Once again, GWOT Veterans are in the cross hairs of the very government they served to protect YOUR liberties…  When you sit and read the articles, keep in mind how easy it would be to construe a wounded Veteran from recent operations in Iraq who loves to be prepared and live outdoors showing up at a surplus store.  Having been wounded, and losing limbs, they can easily be ‘profiled’ according to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force handout as a domestic terrorist.  This after MIAC, and the DHS Report in 2008.  BOHICA!

David Codrea’s Gun Rights Examiner article:

PDF of the FBI handout to Colorado Surplus stores…  ColoradoFBISurplusStore

Osama is dead, I don’t smoke, but in this case I might make an exception and smoke a cigar with some of my buddies who have also served throughout GWOT.

Really, if any agency deserves budget cuts more than the TSA let me know… Wait, never mind, I can think of a few myself… However, maybe we should do away with the multiple redundant bureaucracy that is the Dept. of Homeland Security and send ‘Big Sis’ Napolitano back to New Mexico. Its obvious that these ‘enhanced’ screening techniques often times end up being used on children who aren’t involved in terrorism; along with grandmothers, grandfathers, and I’m sure handicapped folks. Being a father of toddlers, this disgusts me; being a GWOT veteran who went forth to kill terrorists in their own nation, this angers me further to see these amateurs ignore techniques that are far less intrusive and far more effective (yes it involves profiling behavior, not race; though since most of the crazy suicide bombers stem from one part of the world… however that behavior profiling might also yield some other results in other arenas such as battling drug smuggling…). So here it is folks the articles for your perusal from Glenn Beck’s The Blaze: Little Miss Drexel’s folks, and the Jihad Jammer. So, which Americans should we screen more closely?